Purse, polyester and metalic ribbon, size 9 plastic needles, "woven" stitch
I'm still plugging away on this project, but pulling the ribbon through small loops while it's compressing tires my hands quickly. I'm also producing a tension problem that I hope I'll be able to fudge during washing and blocking. But I know I'm going to love it when it's done.
I found the perfect button for it over the weekend while I was rummaging around in a box of fabric. It's a dome of rhinestones from an old fancy dress. The metal base is just enough silver so that it will highlight the silver metallic threads in the ribbon. It's a little bit on the heavy side, so I'll have to anchor it in the fabric with a sturdy patch on the inside, preventing it from pulling the knitting out of shape in the front.
I'm a little less than halfway through. The purse will have a lining, but I have not decided about any particular edging yet to provide the finishing touches for the outside. An "I" cord might have a wonderful effect.
I'm delving into the "in progress" stack and going on a finishing binge again. I want to have a huge lot to take to
Elissa Halloran's shop [woops her web site looks a bit dishevelled] by the end of September.