Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Finished - mohar, silk, linen

Shawl, mohair, silk, linen; stockinette stitch, size 7 aluminum cable needle, 29 in.

I began this back in the fall, just before I switched to all cold-weather fibers and weights.  Now that it's January I'm switching back to warm weather fibers and weights, and I'm scrounging through the in-progress bin to see what still looks fun.  I LOVE the way this has turned out. The weight is whisper-light and the drape is lovely.   It's a shallow triangle shawl, about 15 in high at the point and about 65 in long along the top edge. I used a single strand of thread-like silk "yarn" and a yarn that has one strand of extra fine mohair and one strand of linen, and then just fine kid mohair.  At first the linen strands were sort of ornery and made the stitches distorted.  Since blocking they have behaved themselves and after a washing or two I think they will be as soft as the silk.  I want to work more with similar types of yarn.  I think I'll keep the yellow and yellow-green and add in some different colors for the next one.

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