I'm close enough to be able to go to
Webs, the terrific yarn emporium in Northampton, Mass. Yesterday was a special day because it was my first day trip to webs since late summer last year. And it was a doozie. Not only are they in the middle of their normal anniversary sale, but they are having a two-day tent sale as well. The weather cooperated, although it looked threatening all day. I got into town a little early, so I went to a favorite local cafe just down Pleasant Street and waited eagerly, dreaming of all the yarns I had previewed on the store's website the day before. The tents were up, and local spinners were set up around the grounds with their wares as well, making it a true mind-expanding experience for the yarn lover. And the bargains were there. I'm a fan of cones, because I love to be able to get through a whole piece without having to tie together the small balls of yarn, and Webs has 'em. The sale prices weren't the 50% discounts and greater like some of the other yarns, but it was still easy to get an amount of tweedy silk/cotton yarn it takes to do a long sleeve sweater for US $20.00. There were luscious cones of mohair upon which I merely drooled because by the time I got to them my HUGE tub was full of yarn. And so on. I shopped for two hours and it was all good. It's always impressive to go back into the warehouse and shop, but with loads of prices dropped down for the sale it was mind-boggling to try to choose.
The lines at the cash registers were long. At first I was sort of non-plussed because I really wasn't feeling well. But as I settled and put my bin on the floor and began to observe what was around me I was delighted to see the numbers of knitters, weavers, spinners and fellow travelers milling around, touching, chatting and generally having a blast. Small groups of what were probably knitting circles were clustered around various displays, individuals were studying colors and textures, the buzz of people thinking of new projects and fun times ahead was energizing.